December 10, 2022

The Inventor’s Round Table

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The Inventor’s Round Table

Invent America
Invent America
The Inventor’s Round Table

New admin named for the Inventor’s Round Table, an independent organization designed to create a safe and secure place for inventors to go and be able to ask any and all questions they may have pertaining to the process of getting a product to market. The admin will by Kat Crompton.

The Inventor’s Round Table (IRT) got its start more than 15 years ago. The idea came from Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton, traveling with several older inventors to numerous other meetings in the Denver metro area, who all complained that none of those meetings did things like they “used to”. The solution was obvious, mostly, a new group needed to be started with the ideals that it would never be fee based and it would always have a “round table” feel to it, where questions and discussions could be held. Many groups bring speakers in on a regular basis, but not that many create an environment where inventors can spend the time asking their questions about their specific situation. Sometimes the best advice you can get is from another inventor in the trenches with you.

At IRT meetings, service providers are allowed in by invitation only! And any that are allowed to participate have been thoroughly vetted. Most of them we have known and been working with for years. Oftentimes, these service providers give the best advice on what to avoid and what to be wary of when working with others in their fields of expertise. It was an engineer that taught us the value of the different phases of engineering and why each was so important. The initial prototype designed just to give a visualization to an idea (think legos, cardboard, pipe cleaners) is just as valuable as the proof of concept prototype and the manufacturing design.

Another benefit of attending regular IRT meetings is that you have the opportunity to learn what steps you need to plan on spending a lot of money on, and which steps are a waste. Inventing does take funds, but you want to be very mindful of how you spend those funds.

The IRT meetings are all about discussion. While the meetings originated in the Denver area and eventually started happening in Salt Lake City as well, we have now gone to a virtual platform in order to accommodate as many people as possible. We remind everyone at the start of the meetings that you should be mindful of discussing “too much”, you’ll want to protect your intellectual property after all, but so much can be asked without giving away too many details.

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